fujinosekaic’s 世界史授業備忘録


Landscape Unit 8.5 Complete Teaching Unit in PDF format The Causes and Consequences of World War II 1939 – 1945 CE

This landscape unit gives students the opportunity to debate the causes of the global conflict using historians’ rather than politicians’ tools. Students will practice analyzing primary sources, mostly photographs, posters, and speeches. Moreover, students will analyze secondary source data on national military preparedness and a timeline of the creation and use of military technology during World War II. Finally, students will debate the consequences of aerial attacks on civilian populations during World War II.


Upon completing this unit, students will be able to:
1. Analyze statistical data and speeches to compare military expenditures and role of nationalism as causes of the Second World War.
2. Analyze textbook presentations of starting and ending dates for the Second World War to discuss periodization of the first half of the twentieth century.
3. Compare propaganda posters used by combatant countries during the war to identify similar techniques used to demonize enemies.

Lesson 1: Who was Prepared for War?
Lesson 2: Periodization Debate: When did World War II Begin and End?
Lesson 3: War Propaganda: Messages and Media used to Promote Nationalism
Lesson 4: Military Technology
Lesson 5: Turning Point in Global Warfare Debate: Attacks on Civilians
