fujinosekaic’s 世界史授業備忘録


1月20日は? Martin Luther King Jr. Day こんなBLMの時代だから

今日は何の日、日付けシリーズ第何段? になるかなと言う事で今回は1/20でも、カレンダーの都合よく前後するのが最近の流れで、1月の第三月曜日です。アメリカにおける国民の祝日としてはほかに人を記念するものが2つだけである(ジョージ・ワシントンクリストファー・コロンブスである)。

連邦法はアメリカ人にキング牧師の休日をキング牧師の名誉において国民の活動によるボランティア奉仕活動の日に変えようと促してもいる。連邦法は1994年8月23日にビル・クリントン大統領により法律として署名された。 そこに至る迄の暗黒史。そしてこの名曲by ステヴランド・ハーダウェイ・ジャドキンズ aka Stevie Wonder is an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, a child prodigy who developed into one of the most creative musical figures of the late 20th century. Blind since shortly after birth, Wonder signed with Motown's Tamla label at the age of eleven, and continues to perform and record for Motown to this day. そうあのモータウンレコード:motor town のミシガン州デトロイト=黒人音楽の聖地かな? 


You know it doesn't make much sense 納得いかないよね
There ought to be a law against 法制化に反対するなんて 以下訳してみ!
Anyone who takes offense 
At a day in your celebration
'Cause we all know in our minds
That there ought to be a time
That we can set aside
To show just how much we love you
And I'm sure you would agree
It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday

I just never understood How a man who died for good Could not have a day that would Be set aside for his recognition Because it should never be Just because some cannot see The dream as clear as he That they should make it become an illusion And we all know everything That he stood for time will bring For in peace our hearts will sing Thanks to Martin Luther King
HB day 
Why has there never been a holiday
Where peace is celebrated
All throughout the world
The time is overdue
For people like me and you
Who know the way to truth
Is love and unity to all God's children
It should never be a great event
And the whole day should be spent
In full remembrance
Of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people
So let us all begin
We know that love can win
Let it out don't hold it in
Sing it loud as you can
We know the key to unity all people
Is in the dream that you had so long ago (happy birthday)
That lives in all of the hearts of people (happy birthday)
That believe in unity (happy birthday)
We'll make the dream become a reality (happy birthday)
I know we will (happy birthday)
Because our hearts tell us so (happy birthday)