fujinosekaic’s 世界史授業備忘録


Landscape Unit 8.1 The Causes and Consequences of World War I 1900 - 1920 CE

This unit examines the mistakes that brought the world to the battlefields of World War I. It explores how alliances were formed, and how millions of youths died defending those alliances and misspending dreams of glory. It investigates why four empires crumbled in the ashes of the war. It demonstrates how the first “industrial war” ushered in the twentieth century. Students will examine what values were worth taking into the new century, and which ones should have been left behind. It provides a foundation from which to examine many of the world’s contemporary dilemmas, especially as they followed from the war’s devastation and the Treaty of Versailles.


1. Describe and analyze various factors contributing to the outbreak of World War I.
2. Describe characteristics, goals, and aspirations of the people of the Ottoman empire.
3. Imagine how the goals and aspirations of the combatants might have been met if the war had been avoided.
4. Analyze the Armenian holocaust and compare it to genocide of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
5. Describe the effects of nationalism in the twentieth century, and speculate about the place of nationalism in the twenty-first century.
6. Evaluate the characteristics of a good treaty as they apply or do not apply to the Treaty of Versailles.


This unit in the Big Era time line
Lesson 1: Schools of Thought: Causes of World War I
Lesson 2: Benjamin Britten: War Requiem, Op. 66-Offertorium
Lesson 3: Disillusionment
Lesson 4: Armenian Holocaust: Legacy for the Twentieth Century
Lesson 5: Dear Abdullah
