fujinosekaic’s 世界史授業備忘録


Landscape Unit 8.7 Complete Teaching Unit in PDF format Environmental Change: The Great Acceleration 1900-1950 CE

Why and how did human impact on the environment become regional and global in this period, and what were the effects?
Most of the environmental degradation we decry today was set in motion in the nineteenth century, but it greatly accelerated in the first half of the twentieth. Human determination to master the natural world, sustain continuous economic growth, and expand military power had  deleterious effects on earth’s land, water, atmosphere, and biological species. The invention of the internal combustion engine, which powered the early twentieth-century phase of the Industrial Revolution, had particularly drastic effects on the natural and physical environment. Governments and public interest groups, however, did not think much about reversing the negative effects of technological change, population growth, capitalist production, and other factors until the second half of the twentieth century. And it is clear that these issues will be humanity’s headache throughout the twenty-first century.
In this unit, students will consider various aspects of the human/nature relationship, recognizing that ideas about environmental change gain or lose currency depending on the circumstances of time and place. Societies value certain ideas concurrently with antithetical ideas. Students will examine economic and political factors that set in process long-term and sometimes irreversible destruction of the earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Students will consider positive, negative, and neutral consequences for the global environment of the choices and decisions societies have made about technological advancement.

このユニットでは、環境変化に関する考え方が時代や場所の状況によって流行したり廃れたりすることを認識しながら、人間と自然の関係のさまざまな側面を考察する。社会は、ある考えと対立する考えに同時に価値を見出す。生徒は、地球の生物圏、大気圏、および水圏の長期的な、時には取り返しのつかない破壊を引き起こす経済的および政治的要因について考察します。生徒は、社会が技術の進歩に関して行った選択と決定が地球環境に及ぼす正、負、および中立の結果を考 えます。

Upon completing this unit, students will be able to:
1. Interpret charts and graphs to use as evidence of environmental change.
2. Construct diagrams or models showing the relationship between technology, population increase, urbanization, and environmental change.
3. Identify factors of environmental change: technology, ideologies, politics, economics, and population increase and migration.


Lesson 1: Using charts and graphs as evidence of environmental change
Lesson 2: Ideological, economic, and political choices causing environmental change
